Tuesday, September 18, 2012

When Life Hands You Melons

  I asked one of the farmers a seemingly innocuous question: “So, what are we going to do today?” His answer was terrifying: “Just get dressed in clothes you don’t care about getting dirty or a little sticky. This is going to be fun.” Now this could only mean one of two things. Either we would be dealing with leftover, rotten fruit from the pervious harvest, or, and this seemed much more probable, we would be dealing with animal fecal matter (whether it was going to be cleaning it, moving it or swimming through it, I was unsure). I went into my room to put on some older jeans, but emerged a changed man. Maybe it was just the new clothes, but I felt a sense of wonder as I contemplated how my life would be different after swimming through cow, pig and emu poop.
  I hope you can understand how excited and relieved I was when the farmer opened his van to reveal two dozen watermelons*, a baseball bat and a machete. Earlier in the day he was faced with a fairly simple question: “What do you do when life hands melons?” I will forever be grateful for his answer: “Play fruit ninja.”

*Inca Gold Brand gets all of the leftover produce from the local Safeway to feed their animals, saving Safeway thousands of dollars in dumpster costs per year. 

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