Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Birth of My Blogging Career

Holy shmoly, I am so pumped! I am pumped to be hunched over this netbook’s shrunken keyboard in the company of crying babies, dreaming travelers and flamboyant fight attendants who call me “Sunshine” on this powerful Boeing 737 headed to Seattle, Washington. But, I am even more pumped, that you find yourself at this blog because that means you either clicked a linked that I spammed on Facebook, or (and I really hope it is this second option) you are actually interested in how I am spending my time off between high school and college. I hope that as I experience my journey WWOOFing, traveling, learning Spanish and hiking, I can take you with me, even if only through this blog. Although my plane is 10,000 feet in the air, my journey is just taking off.

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